Fine Semolina

Fine Semolina


  • Description: Fine semolina is a more delicately ground version of traditional semolina, offering a lighter texture while maintaining the signature golden-yellow hue and nutty flavor.
  • Quality: Milled for a finer consistency, this semolina provides a smoother texture in culinary applications. It is rich in protein and gluten, like its coarser counterpart, making it suitable for a range of recipes.
  • Usage: Perfect for softer breads, cakes, and pastries where a finer grain is desired. It’s also used in traditional Mediterranean and Middle Eastern desserts, such as basbousa or semolina cake, where a delicate crumb is essential.
  • Country of Origin: Sourced from high-quality durum wheat from Italy, the United States, and Canada, regions renowned for their superior wheat.
  • Major Consumers: Favored by pastry chefs and bakers, particularly in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, for its fine texture and versatility in baking.


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